Come and join us for this exciting and stimulating event, while having a fabulous holiday in London! Meet EFT for the first time (EFT Newcomers Stream) or immerse yourself deeper into the model (EFT Trained Stream) with wonderful EFT trainers and prominent clinicians!
Emotionally Focused Therapy in Action, Road Map to Emotional Healing:
An outline of the theory and practice of EFT
In this excellent Introduction to the theory and practice of EFT by Gulya Diyarovaparticipants will get a clear sense of what the EFT model is and its well researched effectiveness as a therapeutic approach. Gulya will walk participants through the model’s stages and steps, showing how to focus on the attachment significance of couples struggle and distress, to stay gently and steadily with partners’ vulnerable emotions and fears, and lead them into connectedness and a secure bond with each other. The participants will engage in experiential exercises, skills and interventions practice, and discussion of clinical examples and video demonstrations of couple sessions.
For more info and to Register go to www.